Avtec (Motorola) Pike Dashboard
Role: Creative Direction, UI/UX Design
Team/Company: krumware
Customer: Avtec/Motorola (acquired in 2019)
Timeframe: 2018-2019
Krumware began working directly with Avtec, a leading US provider of advanced dispatch solutions for public safety & commercial airline, railroad, and energy sectors) in mid-2017. After years of utilizing a previous on-premise solution (Scout) for their customers (this meant buying, installing servers, doing networking, and installing on each computer that needed the systems), Avtec sought out to build a web-based solution that would alleviate the stress of high cost & labor to install, maintain, and update their customer’s systems. An install of an on-site infrastructure could take weeks to schedule and a hefty price tag for licensing, greatly limiting their potential customer base. In late 2017 we began working directly with Avtec’s R&D team to advise, design, develop, and train their team on the web-based system later known as Pike Dashboard. This flexible-window, web-based computer aided dispatch system initially replicated existing functionality, enabling customers to connect operations center personnel to workers in the field via two-way radios. After building this initial product, we began providing more in-depth strategy and product management to add further features and integrations.
Pike Dashboard was built for use in commercial energy sectors for power providers to reach out to lineworkers in the field when doing repairs, but also in the airline and train industries to communicate between gates or stations. In early 2019, Motorola acquired Avtec (a deal upwards of 100 million dollars), largely due to the advancements of the R&D internal product and how it could serve a commercial customer-base Motorola poised to target. This acquisition was a massive success for Avtec, Motorola, and krumware. We were contracted through 2019 to handle integrations with existing Motorola products, educate staff on practices to support their own product, and support the Avtec team for long term success under the Motorola umbrella.
Notable projects/proof-of-concepts:
On-site camera controls with full PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) functionality and rewind/timeline scrubbing with consideration for accessory joystick hardware.
Developed a messaging component that was rapidly spun out into a standalone application that could support over 60,000 users in an international airline application.
Designing an infinitely modular window-based ecosystem that worked from desktop to mobile in an unconventional manner, blurring lines between responsive web and native application utilizing web components
Designing XX applications and YY widgets that overlaid applications within this ecosystem (many also lived on within other Motorola products)
Designing flexible design system with web-based components utilized for documentation and unit testing
Building flexible peripheral management functionality, allowing dispatchers to configure speakers and other hardwares to work for their application (including unlinking left/right stereo speakers to play different radio channels through each, configuring hardware devices and buttons to trigger actions within the dashboard)
Conditional “macro” actions allowing applications to communicate without needing awareness of each other (eg: allows for IFTTT ‘if this then that’ functionality within application)
Secure on-site visits with stakeholders and dispatchers in the energy sector for research and validation purposes
Mike, Jean, Tony at Avtec/Motorola
Colin, Noel, Hunter, Kelsey at krumware